

To the attention of authors

of the scientific journal “Odessa Linguistic Journal”!


With a view to improving the quality of research findings published in Ukrainian professional periodicals and integrating these publications into the international academic community, the Editorial Board of the Odessa Linguistic Journal is introducing an updated format of the Journal that will bring its structure and content closer to publications included in the Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus, and allow receiving the status of a professional publication in Ukraine under a certain classification category. (Category A is assigned professional scholarly publications included in the international scientometric database Web of Science Core Collection and/or Scopus; Category B is assigned to other professional scholarly journals that meet the requirements of Paragraph 6 Subparagraphs 1-8 of the Procedure for Listing Professional Scholarly Publications in Ukraine, No. 32 of 15.01.2018 (  http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z0148-18))

As before, we invite contributors interested in current issues of Germanic, Romance, Slavic, and Oriental languages, as well as their comparison with other languages in a contrastive aspect. With the new format, however, our contributors, members of the Editorial Board and reviewers will come across two global changes: (1) the structure and content of the paper should meet international requirements (see Paragraph 3 below); (2) additional References should be provided following the Harvard style.



The Odessa Linguistic Journal is a professional publication under

Order of MES of Ukraine

on 4 July 2014 № 793 (Annex № 8).


The scholarly publication is included in the scientometric database

Index Copernicus International

The deadline for submissions to Odessa Linguistic Journal No. 13 is
30 April  2019



SECTIONS OF THE JOURNAL: 1. Germanic languages; 2. Romance languages; 3. Slavic languages; 4. Oriental languages;
5. Contrastive linguistics.


ARTICLE LANGUAGE: Ukrainian, Russian, English, German (at the author’s discretion). If the article is written in Ukrainian/Russian, extended abstracts shall be provided in two languages: both Ukrainian and Russian.




$11.  The manuscript is submitted in *.doc format (MS Word): font type – Times New Roman, size – 14, line spacing – 1.5, left, top, and bottom margins – 2.5 cm, right – 1 cm. Indent – 1.25 cm. Dashes (–) and hyphens (-) are clearly differentiated; when using special fonts or symbols they should be attached in separate files; pages should be numbered.

$12.  Pursuant to Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science requirements, articles in professional publications should be accompanied by UDC, abstracts in English and Ukrainian, and a list of 6-8 key words. An English Abstract of at least 1800 characters, including Keywords, should precede the text of the paper, font size 12, single spacing, Keywords are in bold type. A Ukrainian Abstract of at least 1800 characters, including Keywords, should follow the References.

$13.  Papers of up to 20 pages should have the following essential elements: (1) Introduction containing the object, subject, and purpose of the paper, its problem statement in general terms and its relation to important research or practical tasks, its background and motivations; (2) Methodology containing the corpus, methods and methodology of the study; (3) Results and Discussion presenting the main study material and the results received, and (4) Conclusions with the prospects for further research in this area.

$14.  Footnotes appear at the foot of the page, with continuous numeration. References follow the Harvard Style: author’s surname and year of publication, number of page, figures. For example: Salvatori 1995, 67-68, 123-125, fig. 13; Ivanov 1972a; 1972b; Kassab Tezgör & Tatlıcan 1998, 423. Figures and tables are numbered within the article and include captions under the figure/table. Examples of illustrative materials are highlighted in italics.

$15.  The list of cited sources titled BIBLIOGRAPHY should be typed in font size 12 with one and a half line spacing immediately after the text of the paper: theoretical works written in Cyrillic are listed first followed by those written in Latin alphabet in alphabetic order according to requirements developed in 2015 by National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 “Information and Documentation. Bibliographic Reference. General Principles and Rules of Composition” and after that – dictionaries and illustrative sources.” Numbering is consecutive.

$16.  The BIBLIOGRAPHY is followed by REFERENCES in Harvard style (see examples below). They are listed alphabetically and typed in size 12. If a reference source is written in a non-Roman script, a transliterated version is given followed by the original title in square brackets (the original script is optional). Transliteration is be done online pursuant to Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers Order No. 55 of 27 January 2010 “On Normalization of Transliteration of the Ukrainian Alphabet by Means of the Latin Alphabet” at http://ukrlit.org/transliteratsiia




УДК 811.111’373






Nataliya Petlyuchenko*



The article provides the results of a cognitive analysis into the conceptual opposition of CONTACT ZONE vs. BORDER AREA in English and German highlighting problems related to their definition in history, linguistics, communication studies, education, etc. The work discusses a series of issues concerning the typology of contact zones in sciences and the humanities, offers definitions of the concepts of CONTACT ZONE and BORDER AREA, identifies their constitutive characteristics: motivation (origin) of the concept and types of sub-concepts, type/number of contact cultures and the nature of their relationship, the inner structure of the zone and its size, stability/transitivity of the zone, interculturalism/hybridity etc.). The article reconsiders the reasons of interest to the problems of “border/borderland/boundary” in many scientific directions, its different types are described. The proposition is erected, that at least two from them – “threshold” and “mixed zone” – are marked by significant processes of syn-/ and dysergy. For this reason the category of “border/ borderland/boundary” must be included in the terminological instrumentarium of synergetics and theory of the systems. The proposed linguistic interpretation of the concept of CONTACT ZONE in archaeological discourse contributes to the refinement of the terminological apparatus used by archaeologists specializing in contact zone studies and complex systems of boundaries allowing a more sophisticated way for analyzing ethnoarchaeological contact zones as a hypernym-hyponym relationship with several border areas within one contact zone, and provides an ideal-type model CONTACT ZONE for further interdisciplinary research in borders studies.



Contact Zone, Border Area, Interculturalism, Hybridity, Ethnoarchaeology, Hypernym-Hyponym Relationship, Ideal Type, Borders Studies


 * Each article should be accompanied by the affiliation and address of the author. For example: Prof. Dr. N. V. Petlyuchenko, National University “Odessa Law Academy”, Fontanskaya Doroga, 23, 65009-Odessa, Ukraine, Email:  Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. . ORCID ID:


1. Introduction (Object, Subject, Purpose of the paper, problem statement in general terms and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks, analysis of recent research and publications upon which the author relies (Background and motivations).

2. Methodology (data base, material, methods and methodology of the research). 2.1. …  .  2.2. …  .  2.3. … .

  1. Results and Discussion (presentation of the main material of the study and discussion of results). 3.1. …  .  3.2. …  .  3.3. … .

4. Conclusions (conclusions and prospects of further research in this direction).




Васильев С. А. Четырехъязычный (русско-англо-франко-немецкий) словарь-справочник по археологии палеолита / С. А. Васильев, Г. Бозински, Б. А. Бредли, Л. Б. Вишняцкий, Е. Ю. Гиря, Ю. Н. Грибченко, М. Н. Желтова, А. Н. Тихонов. – СПб. : Петербургское Востоковедение, 2007. – 264 с.

Матюшин Г. Н. Археологический  словарь / Г.Н. Матюшин.  – М. :  Просвещение: АО "Учеб. лит.", 1996. – 304 с.

Степанов Е. Н. Городские концепты в полилингвокультурном портрете Одессы / Е. Н. Степанов // Концепты и контрасты : монография / под. ред. Н. В. Петлюченко. – Одесса : Издательский дом «Гельветика», 2017. – С. 13–19.

Donec, P. Die GRENZE: eine konzeptanalytische Skizze der Limologie / Pavel Donec. – Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann, 2014 – 127 S.

Hinrichs, U. Handbuch der Eurolinguistik / Uwe Hinrichs (Hrsg.), Petra Himstedt-Vaid. – Slavistische Studienbücher. – Neue Folge, Band. 20. – Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2010.· – 993 S.

Holert, T., Terkessidis, M. Entsichert: Krieg als Massenkultur im 21. Jahrhundert / Tom Holert,‎ Mark Terkessidis. – Köln : Kiepenheuer und Witsch Verlag, 2002. – 256 S.

Pratt, M. L. Arts of the Contact Zone / Marie Louise Pratt // Profession. – New York, MLA, 1991. – P. 33–40.

Stolz, Th. Competing Comparative Constructions in Europe / Thomas Stolz. – Studia Typologica (Book 13). Berlin : Akademie Verlag, 2013. – 385 p.

Ulf, C. Rethinking Cultural Contacts / Christoph Ulf // Ancient West & East. – 2009. – Vol. 8. – P. 81-132.




Donec, P. (2014). Die GRENZE: eine konzeptanalytische Skizze der Limologie. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.

Hinrichs, U. (2010). Handbuch der Eurolinguistik. Slavistische Studienbücher, Neue Folge, Band. 20. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.·

Holert, T., Terkessidis, M. (2002). Entsichert: Krieg als Massenkultur im 21. Jahrhundert. Köln: Kiepenheuer und Witsch Verlag.

Matyushin, G.N. (1996). Arkheologicheskiï slovar’ [Археологический словарь]. Moscow: Prosveshchenie.

Pratt, M.L. (1991). Arts of the Contact Zone. In: Profession, New York, MLA, pp. 33–40.

Stepanov, E.N. (2017). Gorodskie kontseptÿ v polilingvokul’turnom portrete Odessÿ [Городские концепты в полилингвокультурном портрете Одессы]. In N.V. Petlyuchenko (ed.), Kontseptÿ I kontrastÿ: monografiya. Odessa: Gel’vetika.

Stolz, Th. (2013). Competing Comparative Constructions in Europe. Studia Typologica (Book 13). Berlin: Akademie Verlag.

Ulf, C. (2009). Rethinking Cultural Contacts, AncWestEast 8, 81-132 (republished In Rollinger & Schnegg (eds.) 2014, 507-564).

Vasilev, S.A. et al. (2007). Chetÿrekhyazÿchnÿï (russko-anglo-franko-nemetskiï) slovar’-spravochnik po arkheologii paleolita [Четырехъязычный (русско-англо-франко-немецкий) словарь-справочник по археологии палеолита]. St. Petersburg: Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie (Archaeologica Petropolitana, XX).


У статті представлено результати лінгвокогнітивного аналізу концептів CONTACT ZONE vs. BORDER AREA в англійській та німецькій мовах. У роботі обговорюється низка питань, що стосуються типології контактних зон в природничих та гуманітарних студіях. Поняття "контактна зона" може бути визначено як культурний простір (не обов'язково локалізований географічно, воно може бути ментальним), якій історично склався в результаті взаємодії різних природних і антропогенних факторів.  Зразками мовних контактних зон є полілінгвокультурні регіони, де функціонують різні національні мови, проте на базі одного з них формується регіональне або міське койне, в якому, як правило, поєднуються кілька діалектів, літературна форма мови міжнаціонального спілкування і запозичення з інших мов регіону. У праці пропонується концептуальне моделювання понять CONTACT ZONE та BORDER AREA, зокрема визначення їх конститутивних ознак (мотивація (походження) та типи субконцептів, типи/кількість контактних культур, характер їх взаємозв'язку, внутрішня структура зони та її розмір, стабільність/ транзитивність, міжкультурність/ гібридність тощо). Запропонована лінгвістична інтерпретація поняття КОНТАКТНА ЗОНА в археологічному дискурсі сприяє уточненню термінологічного апарату археологів, які спеціалізуються на дослідженні контактних зон та складних систем кордонів. Виконаний аналіз дозволяє розуміти етно-археологічну контактну зону як ідеальний тип або модель КОНТАКТНА ЗОНА і використати її для подальших міждисциплінарних досліджень у галузі кордонних досліджень (borders studies).

Ключові слова

Контактна зона, прикордонна зона, міжкультурність, гібридність, етноаргеологія, ідеальний тип, кордонні дослідження





Author, A.A., and Author, B. (2017). The Title of the Book. Location: Publisher.

Author, A., and Author, B. (2017). The Title of the Book. 6th ed. Location: Publisher.

Edited Book

Editor,  A., ed. (2017). The Title of the Book. Location: Publisher.

Editor,  A.A., and Editor,  B., eds. (2017). The Title of the Book. Location: Publisher.

Book without Author

The Title of the Book (2017). Location: Publisher.

Book by a Corporate Author or Organization

Organization Name (2017). The Title of the Book. Location: Publisher.

Article in Edited Volume

Author, A., and Author, B.B. (2017). The Title of the Article. In: A. Editor, ed., The Title of the Book, Location: Publisher, pp. 1–10.

Author, A., and Author, B. (2017). The Title of the Article. In: A. Editor and B. Editor,  eds., The Title of the Book, Location: Publisher, pp. 1–10.

Author, A., and Author, B. (2017). The Title of the Article. In: Proceedings of the Xth International Conference on Something 2017, Location: Publisher, pp. 1–10.

Multi-Volume Work (as a Whole)

Editor, A., ed. (2017). The Title of the Work. (2 vols). Location: Publisher.

Author, A. (2017). The Title of the Work. (2 vols). Location: Publisher.


Multi-Volume Work (Specific Volume)

Editor, A., ed. (2017). The Title of the Work, Volume 2. Location: Publisher.

Author, A. (2017). The Title of the Work, Volume 2. Location: Publisher.


Author, A.A., Author, B., and Author, C. (2017). The Title of the Article. Journal Title 70 (1), pp. 1–10.

Author, A. (2017). The Title of the Article. Journal Title 70, pp. 1–10.

Pre–published Journal Article

Author, A.A., Author, B., and Author, C. (2017). The Title of the Article. Journal Title, pp. 1–10. DOI 10.1163/1234567X–12345678.


Author, A. (forthcoming 2017). The Title of the Journal article. Journal Title, 1–10.

Author, A. (forthcoming). The Title of the Journal article. Journal Title, 1–10.

Author, A. (forthcoming). The Title of the Book. Location: Publisher.

Dissertation or Thesis

Author, A. (2017). The Title of the Thesis, Dissertation, Department, University.

Author, A. (2017). The Title of the Thesis, Degree Thesis, Department, University.

Newspaper Article

Author, A. (2017). The Title of the Article. The Newspaper, June 24, p. 1.

Other-Language Work with Translated Title Included (the translation is optional)

Author, A. (2017). De titel van het boek [The title of the book]. Location: Publisher.

Author, A. (2017). De titel van het artikel [The title of the article]. Journal Title 70 (1), pp. 1–10.

Work in Non-Roman Script (the original script is optional)

Author, A. (2017). Nazvaniye knigi [Название книги]. Location: Publisher.

Author, A. [Автор, А.]. (2017). Nazvaniye knigi [Название книги]. Location: Publisher.

Author, A. [Автор, А.]. (2017). Nazvaniye stat'i zhurnala [Название статьи журнала]. Nazvaniye zhurnala [Название журнала] 70 (1), pp. 1–10.

Translated Work

Author, A. (2017). The Title of the Book. Translated by A. Translator. Location: Publisher.

Author, A. (2017). The Title of the Article. Translated by A. Translator.  Journal Title 70 (1), pp. 1–10.





Submissions to Odessa Linguistic Journal No. 13 should be sent before 30 April 2019 to e-mail Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. together with the following materials:

1) Article;

2) Information about the author (in Ukrainian and English);

3) Scanned confirmation of publication fee payment.

An electronic version of Odessa Linguistic Journal No. 13 will be sent to the contributors on 16 July 2019; the printed copies of the journal will be mailed on 31 July 2019.




Петлюченко Наталія Володимирівна, доктор філологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри іноземних мов №2 Національного університету "Одеська юридична академія"; Фонтанська дорога, 23, м. Одеса, 65009, Україна; тел.: +38 0678048480; e-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

Prof. Dr. Nataliya V. Petlyuchenko, Head of Foreign Language Department No. 2, National University "Odessa Law Academy"; 23 Fontanskaya Doroga, Odessa, 65009, Ukraine; tel.: +38 067 8048480; e-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

In addition, it is necessary to specify a postal address in the application for mailing a printed copy of the journal (following the form: full recipient’s name, street, house, apartment, city/region, postal code).



The cost of publication (up to 12 pages inclusive) is UAH 600.00.

If the article exceeds the indicated volume, you have to pay 50 UAH for each additional page. 

The publication fee covers costs related to editing the articles, page layout, and printing the journal, as well as postal mailing to authors. 



Editorial Board of the scientific journal “Odessa Linguistic Journal”

Editorial and publishing office of SRD of the National University “Odessa Law Academy”

Akademichna Str., 2, office 1009, Odesa, Ukraine, 65009

Website: oljournal.in.ua

Email: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

Contact phone: +38 066 455 43 80

Chief Editor: Prof. Dr. Nataliia Petliuchenko

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Phone: +38 067 804 84 80


Copyright © 2013-2018. Scientific journal “Odessa Linguistic Journal”